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Yes. Stream switching control can be assigned to any of the following selectable modes:

  • Digital Input (up to 2 streams)
  • Modbus (up to 3 streams)
  • OPC (up to 3 streams)
  • Internal Stream Switching Table (up to 3 streams)

Each stream can be individually named and can have their own ASTM method assigned from the internal stream switching table or over Modbus. An additional validation stream (with an optional dedicated inlet and internal validation stream selection valve) is also available and is controlled independently of the process stream switching modes selected above.

Yes. All icon products are approved to give absolute confidence and peace of mind in hazardous areas.

ATEX/IECEx group IIC certification level is not available – and is usually not necessary. Zone 1, group IIB+H2 T4 is offered and will be sufficient where acetylene is not present, as can be expected in a refinery installation.

Yes. All icon analysers are equipped with a 17” armoured glass wipe-clean touch-screen and intuitive multi-lingual graphic user interface.

icon analysers are NACE compliant. Provided the internal sample pressure is kept to below 65 psi(a), the analysers fall within the permitted exclusions of the NACE standard and so comply without special or additional material testing/certification. NACE MR0175/ISO15156 certificates are not offered for most analysers, as certification is not required for compliance. For the icon Colour/Opacity analysers, NACE certification is available as an option.

Cloud Point

The icon Cloud Point analyser determines the lowest temperature at which a fuel may be used without wax formation. This indicates the lowest ambient temperature at which a diesel fuel can be used.

A small amount of sample is cooled until the cloud point is reached - this point is detected by an optical detector. Cooling is done using a Peltier-based thermoelectric cooler, and if the sample is too cold the Peltier control can be reversed to warm it.

For more information, visit the Cloud Point analyser page.

The obtained results are compatible with those of standard cloud point test methods such as ASTM D2500 and ASTM D5771/2/3.

Vapour Pressure

The icon Vapour Pressure analyser measures vapour pressure - the pressure exerted by a vapour in equilibrium above a liquid, at a specific temperature and vapour-liquid ratio. Vapour pressure is a measurement of volatility which is used in gasoline, LNG condensate, crude oil, and liquefied petroleum gas production. This is important particularly for blending control and for finding safe storage conditions.

The icon Vapour Pressure analyser uses the piston-expansion principle to measure vapour pressure, in line with the latest vapour pressure test methods. It is compatible with any required ASTM test method and allows for single and/or multiple expansions.

For more information, visit the Vapour Pressure analyser page.

Directly applicable standard test methods include ASTM D5191, D6378, D6897, and D6377.

Correlatable standard test methods include ASTM D323, D4953, D5190, D5188 and D5482.

For more information, download the Vapour Pressure brochure.

Flash Point

The icon Flash Point analyser measures the lowest temperature at which a diesel or kerosene fuel will form a flammable vapour mixture with the air. This is useful for finding safe storage temperatures, and for the handling of these fuels.

The results are fully compatible with any standard flash point test methods, such as IP170, ASTM D56, ASTM D92, and ASTM D93.

The sample is heated while a test spark is applied above – until a positive spark is detected. This flash point is detected by a highly sensitive low-mass thermocouple.

For more information, visit the Flash Point analyser page.

Colour Opacity

The icon Colour Opacity analyser measures contamination, purity, and clarity of a sample. Many petroleum products have colour as part of their specification – the icon analyser provides accurate measurements and can duplicate a range of standard visual colour comparison tests. It is also particularly good at detecting dye colour and product contamination in pipeline applications.

The icon analyser can measure opacity and colour simultaneously and perform concentration measurements based on light absorption at single or multiple wavelengths.

The Colour Opacity analyser performs ASTM D1500 or Saybolt D156, depending on the measuring cell pathlength. Other measuring ranges are possible – contact Icon for more details.

A light source is passed through the sample and out to a dispersive spectrometer module, where measurements are carried out.

For more information, visit the Colour Opacity analyser page.

Freeze Point

The icon Freeze Point analyser indicates the lowest temperature at which aviation jet fuel may be used.

The obtained results are compatible with those of standard freeze point test methods – such as ASTM D2386, D5972, and D7153.

The icon Freeze Point analyser uses advances cryo-cooling technology (a helium cryocooler) and optical detection to measure freeze points. A small amount of the sample is trapped in the low-mass measuring cell, and is cooled until the cloud point is detected. The sample is then heated until the ‘cloud’ disappears – this is the freeze point.

For more information, visit the Freeze Point analyser page.

Pour Point

The icon Pour Point analyser measures the lowest ambient temperature at which a fuel oil can be used. This is important for storage, and for transferring product through pipelines.

The sample is cooled until sample movement stops – this is the no-flow point. The corresponding pour point is recorded from this.

For more information, visit the Pour Point analyser page.

Results are compatible with all standard no-flow and pour point test methods, including ASTM D97, D5853, D5985, AND D7346.


The icon Viscometer analyser measures the dynamic viscosity of a range of petroleum products. Kinematic viscosity can also be calculated, using an optional internal density transducer.

Accurately measuring the viscosity of petroleum products is important to meet final blend specifications - without having to make costly blend adjustments later in the process.

The results obtained can be directly correlated to standard test methods such as ASTM D445 AND D2270.

The icon Viscometer analyser finds the dynamic viscosity of a sample through measuring the differential pressure across a capillary tube, following the Hagen-Poiseuille principle.

For more information, visit the Viscometer analyser page.

To calculate the viscosity index, two icon Viscometer analysers are required. The dynamic viscosity is measured at two different temperatures (40°C and 100°C), and the kinematic viscosity is calculated using a density signal. One analyser (the ‘master’ or primary analyser) will calculate the viscosity index from these kinematic viscosities, and can then output this measurement.


The icon Distillation analyser measure individual boiling points or full boiling ranges of petroleum products, from light to middle distillate ranges.

This provides information about fuel composition, properties, and characteristics when in storage or in use. It also serves as an indicator of fuel volatility, which is directly related to the performance and pollutant emissions of engines.

The results can be correlated to a variety of standard test methods, including ASTM D86, IP123, and ISO3405.

The icon Distillation analyser carries out a full small-scale distillation on 20ml of sample. Using laser measurement technology, the volume of sample in the distillation flask and the volume recovered are accurately controlled and monitored.

For more information, visit the Distillation analyser page.

Cetane Number

The icon Cetane Number analyser is the first and only online process analyser to measure cetane number. This measures the combustion properties/quality or performance of diesel and biodiesel fuel. The higher the cetane number, the better the fuel burns.

The measurements also include the effects of Cetane improvers, enabling real-time control.

The analyser measurements correlate to all other ASTM cetane number methods such as D613, D6890, and D7668.

The sample is combusted, and a dynamic pressure wave is produced – both ignition delay (ID) and combustion delay (CD) can be determined from this measurement. Built-in equations are then able to calculate a derived cetane number (DCN).

For more information, visit the Cetane Number analyser page.

Ethanol Blend Optimiser

The icon Ethanol Blend Optimiser accurately blends specific volumes of ethanol into gas streams going into online analysers. The move to biofuels means that many gasoline specifications require ethanol addition at specific percentages, depending on location and marketing specifications.

Ethanol has an impact – called a ‘boost’ – on product specifications. This boost is sample specific, and the BOB (Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending) must cope with the worst-case boost scenario. The icon Ethanol Blend Optimiser allows for much higher precision in this blending process, allowing the analysis of the fuel with ethanol added rather than having to predict how the fuel will behave.

The icon Ethanol Blend Optimiser uses piston cylinders to mix a combined BOB (Blendstock for Oxygenate Blending)/ethanol sample flow. This mixing system allows for a very high precision (+- 0.05%), minimising uncertainty and reducing the amount of ethanol needed.

For more information, visit the Ethanol Blend Optimiser page.

Cloud/Pour Combined

The icon Cloud/Pour combined analyser is an adaptation of the icon Freeze Point analyser. It is used to measure very low cloud points and pour points, without the need for chilled water. For other cloud point and pour point requirements, visit the icon Cloud Point analyser or icon Pour Point analyser pages.


Yes - if you are unsure of your application, or simply want added confidence that the icon solution will deliver for you, you can send samples to icon where they will be run on a factory analyser. A report will then be delivered to you.

‘Accuracy' is not a relevant metric for online physical property analysers, and is controlled by the quality of on-site analyser calibration; a perfect calibration will provide perfect accuracy. The important metric for comparing physical property analysers is repeatability - repeatability for all icon analysers is equal to or better than the repeatability criteria of the relevant test method. For individual analysers, information on repeatability can be found in the analyser brochures.

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