Illuminating technology
Icon's advanced dispersive spectrometer module brings greater precision to the measurement of colour, opacity or concentration.
The icon Colour Opacity analyser actually scans the visible spectrum from 350 to 1100nm at a rate of 15 times per second. With this technology we are able to give both colour and opacity simultaneously. We are also able to run complex mixtures of different products as we are able to pick out the particular wavelengths of interest.
Colour Opacity avoids the sensitivity losses and low transmission characteristics that compromise existing technologies using either optical filters, or moving parts such as filter wheels and chopper motor assemblies.
How the Colour Opacity Analyser works
A light source is transmitted through a sample and fed back to a dispersive spectrometer module for measurement.
Using a 12V 10W tungsten lamp, run under reduced voltage to increase lifespan, light passes out of the enclosure through an optical window and moves along a fibre-optic cable. The light enters the cell, passes through the test sample and out via a window and fibre-optic cable. It travels back into the enclosure where the optical transmission or absorbance measurements are carried out; these are fed into the control computer to calculate the final results.
The unique measurement versatility of the Colour Opacity is maximised through flexible configuration options easily programmed to specific applications.

User-configurable hardware
Fibre optic cables allow separation of the measuring cell if required, while a range of third-party transmittance and reflectance-measuring cells can be used in addition to a standard icon transmittance cells.

High stability measurement
All measurements are carried out using one or more reference wavelengths to compensate for cell drift and dust/dirt build-up on cell windows.

Versatile application use
Colour Opacity's flexible architecture can be configured for specific application needs in the field, for replication of a wide range of industry-standard visual colour comparison tests.

Industry-leading performance
Dual method analysis enables measurement of colour and opacity simultaneously, as well as concentration measurements based on light absorption at single or multiple wavelengths.