
Icon scientific recognises the importance of accessibility and has worked to ensure that our “website and its content must be written to be as accessible as reasonably possible". Our target is to conform to 'Double-A' standard as set out by the Worldwide Web consortium (W3C), who set globally agreed standards on accessibility.

Web accessibility means access to the internet by everyone, regardless of disability. This means that people with disabilities should be able to perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with web sites and online applications and that these should work well with the assistive technologies which some people with disabilities use to access the internet - such as screen readers, screen magnifiers and text-to-speech devices.

If you have any problems using our site or require information in another format, please contact us.

There are also options within your browser that can help you access web sites more easily. Click "Help" facility to find out how to do it. There are also other options within your browser to help with accessibility e.g. changing text and background colours. Check your browsers help facility for instruction on how to use these functions.