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Visit Icon Scientific at ADIPEC 2023

Icon Scientific will be at ADIPEC, the world’s largest energy conference, from October 2nd until October 5th. This year, decarbonisation is at the centre of the conversation. The theme, ’decarbonising faster together’, focuses on the strategies, rela...
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ICON TECH BLOG #3: Graphical User Interface Touchscreen

Icon’s technology blog, focusing on the industry-changing innovations integrated into our word-leading range of physical property analysers. Technology: Icon Graphical User Interface (GUI) Touchscreen Used In: All Icon analyser products When Icon beg...
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ICON TECH BLOG #2: Dispersive Spectrometer

Icon’s technology blog, focusing on the industry-changing innovations integrated into our word-leading range of physical property analysers Technology: Dispersive Spectrometer Used In: Colour Opacity analyser Dispersive Spectrometer – in Colour Opaci...
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ICON TECH BLOG #1: Icon Peltier Vacuum Chamber

Icon’s new technology blog, focusing on the industry-changing innovations integrated into our word-leading range of physical property analysers Technology: icon vacuum chamber Used In: Cloud Point analyser, Freeze Point analyser Analyser reliability ...
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Are you gambling with your giveaway?

What’s your giveaway? How accurate is your blend and how can you ensure that it’s as cost-effective as possible?When it comes to your giveaway, how easy is it for you to determine how accurate your finished blend will be? How can you attain that all-...
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Three reasons why you need the icon Ethanol Blend Optimiser for your oil refinery

Are you ready to join the Refinery Revolution?Are you looking to improve the efficiency of your oil refinery?Do you have an accurate appraisal of your giveaway?Do you want to increase profits? Our new and exclusive Ethanol Blend Optimiser will help y...
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