Are you gambling with your giveaway?

What’s your giveaway? How accurate is your blend and how can you ensure that it’s as cost-effective as possible?

When it comes to your giveaway, how easy is it for you to determine how accurate your finished blend will be? How can you attain that all-important perfect blend? We know that there are many different factors that come into play when ethanol is added to your blend to meet the biofuels mandate.

The icon Ethanol Blend Optimiser is a brand new, unique and innovative machine that identifies, controls and where applicable certifies the gasoline product at the refinery. This unique patented system uses precision manufactured piston cylinders to combine a combined BOB/ethanol sample flow to the analysers in the required ratio with a very high precision (better than± 0.05%). This, therefore, minimises any effects from the uncertainty of the mixing.

By curtailing your giveaway you will ultimately be maximising your profit and your profit margin. This is because the components that are used to control the blend to the required specifications tend to have a higher cost for a minimum quality specifications and a lower cost for a maximum quality specifications.

You no longer have to Gamble with your Giveaway. Swap uncertainty for clarity and swap waste for profit. If you are looking for efficiency and a more profitable business, then icon’s Ethanol Blend Optimiser is the solution.

Contact us today to find out how you can join the Refinery Revolution!